In the Missoula area? Mark your calendar for this two-part series of free meetings. Hosted by the League of Women Voters and co-sponsored by the Missoula Home Coalition, the meetings will take a deep dive into the question, “How do we finance housing to bring down the cost, and where do we put it?” The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.
NeighborWorks Montana Assistant Director, Kaia Peterson, will be speaking at the Part One event on Wednesday, October 30. This first event will take place at the Missoula Public Library from 7-8 PM.
Part Two of the series will be held on Wednesday, November 6, also at the Missoula Public Library from 7-8:30 PM.
For more information, be sure to read https://missoula.com/events/in-my-backyard-equitable-homes-for-all-where-to-add/event_49393eea-e9e3-11e9-b2cf-f30b9a8e0de6.html?fbclid=IwAR3rBnmYmhK_GJALBcB3cR16EuMSZB3BvFSnOHV62xC_2J56Gqzq1c-LPHA