This annual summit is designed to be ongoing training for community leaders, as well as the opportunity to network together. Presentation topics included: Telling Your Story by NWMT staff member, Michelle Rogers Police Partnerships &…
This annual summit is designed to be ongoing training for community leaders, as well as the opportunity to network together. Presentation topics included: Telling Your Story by NWMT staff member, Michelle Rogers Police Partnerships &…
NeighborWorks Montana staff participated in a national conversation last week in New Orleans called Connecting Health, Home, and Community. While many of us in the housing industry have long given thought to connections within our…
The story of a trailer park closing to be redeveloped is not new. What is new, is the current state of our housing market, and the challenges the residents being displaced are likely to face…
The 2019 Montana Shares raffle is open, and you won’t want to miss the chance to win some of the great prizes. The raffle will be held on Friday, September 13 and you need not…