NeighborWorks Montana is hosting virtual statewide homebuyer education course. We will be joined by partner organizations who will be leading the sections throughout the course, giving valuable statewide perspective. The four sessions will be held…
NeighborWorks Montana is hosting virtual statewide homebuyer education course. We will be joined by partner organizations who will be leading the sections throughout the course, giving valuable statewide perspective. The four sessions will be held…
The 2020 Montana Shares raffle is underway, and you won’t want to miss the chance to win some of the great prizes. The raffle drawing will be held on Friday, September 18; you need not…
Trust Montana is a statewide community land trust (CLT) working to increase the stock of permanently affordable homes, farms, and other vital land-based community assets. We facilitate perpetual affordability by owning the underlying land and…
This year’s housing conference looked a bit different, but the spirit remained the same. Montana Housing Partnership is grateful to everyone who helped make the conference such a great experience! Throughout the day we focused…
NeighborWorks Montana planned and facilitated the first ever virtual statewide homebuyer education course recently. This course was a collaborative effort through four of the partner organizations (HRDC 9, Headwaters, Homeword, and Great Northern Development Corporation)….
When owning your own home, it is important to keep up general repairs throughout the year to ensure your home remains safe, functional, and efficient. The question becomes, what do I need to do and…