All of us at NeighborWorks Montana are grateful for all of you and the support you give us so we can continue our work to help Montanans realize the dream of having a home. Having a place to build a life is essential to our well-being. A stable home provides safety, warmth, and opportunity. Our work is made possible because of your support and encouragement. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
Our staff will be off both Thursday, November 24th and Friday, November 25th this week. Normal business hours will resume on Monday, November 28th.
This year our management team also wanted to share their own special messages:
From Kaia Peterson, Executive Director:
At NeighborWorks Montana we are thankful for our staff, board, and partners who work every day to give more people the opportunity to have a home that is affordable. As we think of all our clients across the state who are celebrating Thanksgiving with their families and friends, we are celebrating all the ways an affordable home creates stability and opportunity. Thank you to our clients for trusting us to help them navigate and achieve their financial and housing goals!
From Hanna Tester, Homeownership Director:
The Homeownership team is perpetually thankful for all our housing counseling and lender partners statewide. Housing counselors make the work of preparing for homeownership clear and attainable. They work every day to help individuals and families in their communities become more financially resilient and pursue opportunities to build wealth. Our lender partners take great care to ensure their borrowers are able to access a range of financing options to support their home purchase while lending responsibly and within borrower capacity. We are grateful to our community partners – without you, NWMT would not be able to have the impact statewide that we do!
From Larry Phillips, Real Estate Lending Manager:
The Real Estate Development and Acquisition (REDA) program is thankful for the work of developers across the state who continue to find ways to make a stable home a reality for so many Montanans. We are also thankful for our lending partners and funders who assist these projects with attainable financing. It is the collective effort in these projects that is the key to achieving success in the current market and we are thankful for the collaborative effort that results in homes Montanans can afford.
From Damona Williams, Staff Accountant:
NeighborWorks Montana has seen exceptional growth in capital. As an accounting team, we are extremely thankful for the opportunity to assist all NWMT programs with this success through financial management. We look forward to seeing how we will continue to grow and utilize this funding to help Montana families find homes they can afford.
From Danielle Maiden, Cooperative Housing Director:
The Resident Owned Community (ROC) program is thankful for the park owners who commit to their residents’ success, helping to preserve affordable housing opportunities in Montana. We are also thankful for our lending partners, municipalities, partner organizations, and funders who assist these projects with attainable financing and infrastructure improvements within these communities. Last, but not least, we cannot forget how grateful we are to the residents of the ROCs and their continued dedication to their communities, without them we could not do this important work in Montana.