It’s time to register for this year’s ROC Summit!
This event is a networking and training event offered at no cost to current ROC members and members of communities currently in the process of becoming resident owned in Montana.
This two-day event will feature fun and informative topics based on feedback and requests from residents. Sessions will focus on leadership building and community planning, with presentations made by Mary Beth Beaulieu, as well as ROC USA and ROC Association.
Communities that have residents and/or board members attend will be awarded a $500 grant from NWMT for a community project!
Throughout the registration process, you will indicate lodging, food, and other needs. Lodging is being provided by O’Haire Motor Inn (Autumn will take care of lodging reservations based on your registration selections). Our sessions will take place at NeighborWorks Great Falls in their Learning Center. Travel reimbursements will be provided upon arrival.
Since the last ROC Summit in 2019, four more communities have entered into resident ownership and another three are currently under contract. The NWMT ROC Team is so excited to be gearing up for the 2022 ROC Summit: Cultivating Leaders!
To register, click below or visit http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07eja5tp6v022dc835&llr=sc6r4xxab.
About the Sessions
Our main session on Friday will be Dare to Lead ™, a workshop based on the work of researcher and author Brené Brown, PhD; you will learn and apply the four skill sets of courage to a real situation in your life. Rumble with Vulnerability, Live into Your Values, Understand BRAVING Trust, and Rise Strong with certified facilitator Mary Beth Beaulieu, PCC. *PLEASE NOTE: If you are unable to travel to the summit, we will have a Zoom link option for this presentation only.
The main session on Saturday will invite participants to think about what it means to be strategic, analyze and discuss strengths and weaknesses, and look around at obstacles and opportunities to make informed decisions. This session will not only help Montana ROCs in shaping their own community plans, but it will also direct the ROC Association and ROC USA in shaping their 2023 to 2026 strategic plan.